
About Me





Stella Hidden - Artist

Welcome - to view my paintings, click on galleries.

2021 Exhibition of paintings inspired by India at the Apple store Gallery by Stella Hidden 2021 Exhibition of paintings inspired by India at the Apple store Gallery by Stella Hidden
Stella's paintings inspired by a trip to India at the Apple Store Gallery, Hereford, 2021

Stella Hidden with 'Tingle' and 'Zing' in her studio
In my studio

Stella Hidden, artist, with some of her colourful colorful acrylic abstract expressionist non-representational paintings on the 
	steps of her Herefordshire Dovecote studio
On the steps of my Herefordshire Dovecote studio with some paintings

When asked whether my work is abstract, contemporary, modern, expressionist, non-figurative, non-representational or any of the other 'classifying' words used regarding art, it is difficult to assign my work to just one, as it has elements of many. Therefore, I would say that my work is best described as abstract expressionist, and I strive constantly to make it non-representational, i.e. excluding any recognisable reality.

Based in a Dovecote studio in rural Herefordshire, England, I aim to create truly original vibrantly colourful artworks using acrylics on birch board or paper. These are often inspired by my love and practice of music, dance, rhythm and movement, and they offer an interpretation of these experiences. The creation of each painting is a journey from the first mark to the final brushstroke - they develop in their own time and cannot be hurried, as they need to find their own voice. Each picture is carefully considered and can take many months, even years, to refine and complete.

The 'About Me' page is where you will find more information about my own progression from draughtswoman, through having a family, to studying Art, working with 3D and sculpture. Then, with my discovery of acrylic paints, developing my own individual colourful non-representational style of painting. Here I will also explain more about what inspires me.

Full details of where you can see my art displayed are on the 'Exhibitions' page. I have shown my work widely in the UK, especially in Herefordshire and the West Midlands, but also in London and the north of England. During the 2012 London Olympics I was honoured and delighted that my work was chosen to be hung in the Olympic Reception Building - where it can still be seen.

To view my paintings and art for sale go to the 'gallery' page. If you want to see them in person or buy a painting, please contact me, and I will be happy to help you.

I hope you enjoy your visit here.


Stella Hidden

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Stella Hidden's colorful acrylic abstract painting 'Hi'
My large painting 'Hi' (80 x 90 cm)

Colourful acrylic abstract painting 'Blue Remembered Hills' by Stella Hidden
'Blue Remembered Hills' (42 x 48 cm) framed in the style of many of my smaller paintings.

People are often wary of ‘abstract’ art. Maybe you can ask ‘how does it make me feel?’ rather than ‘what is it a painting of? I ask only that you give time to enable the paintings to speak for themselves and see whether or not you connect with them - they may or may not talk to you.

All images are copyright © Stella Hidden
Website created by S Crawshaw, last updated February 2024.