Very Long Paintings 2022
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Colorful acrylic abstract painting 'Across the City' by UK artist Stella Hidden

Across the City
32 cm x 182 cm
Colorful acrylic abstract painting 'Dappled Light' by UK artist Stella Hidden

Dappled Light
182 x 32 cm
Colorful acrylic abstract painting 'Space to Dance' and 'More Space to Dance' by UK artist Stella Hidden

'Space to Dance' - Diptych
182 x 62 cm together
Colorful acrylic abstract painting 'Music, Colour and Sounds - Diptych' by UK artist Stella Hidden

Music, Colour and Sound - Diptych
182 x 62 cm together
Long paintings on display at the Greenstage Gallery,
Bishop's Frome, Worcestershire

2022 Exhibition of long paintings at the Greenstage Gallery by Stella Hidden
2022 Exhibition of long paintings at the Greenstage Gallery by Stella Hidden

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All images are copyright © Stella Hidden